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Why Insurance is Important


Let’s get it out there! There is a common misconception that the insurance industry is a money-grabbing stint and that the people working in the industry are “out to get us”. The one hang-up people have about insurance is that they don’t see it’s benefit in their everyday lives…until they get into a crisis. Of course, that perception is not the reality, and actually, the concept of insurance is quite the opposite. Insurance, like everything else is a business which needs to be sustained by profits, but having insurance is a valuable resource in times of need.

The truth is that the entire purpose of insurance is to help those who suffer a loss of whatever kind to get back to where they were. Insurance serves the purpose to protect your investments so that in the event of a catastrophe, you can get back to “normal”. It’s a safety net for us to recover from disaster that we could not otherwise recover from on our own.

Another misconception is that you can still get the best coverage for the cheapest price when you buy insurance on your own. Though you may ‘save’ in the short term because you opted out of some coverages, you pay for it in the long term if you end up in a crisis. There have been numerous instances where persons buy insurance online on their own and then when their basement floods or their car glass is broken due to theft, they are left out in the cold because they opted out of necessary coverages.

It is wise to let an insurance broker advise you on choosing how to protect your assets. The industry is full of “helpers”—people who want to be there to help if or when something bad happens. If you need to find out how insurance works for you, email us and we’ll give you the help you need.